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How do those who hold to Replacement Theology view the modern Jewish state of Israel?

The view of Replacement Theology, particularly Amillenialism, sees the modern Jewish State as purely an accident of history, totally unrelated to any type of Bible prophecy. This view believes that when Israel rejected the Messiahship of Yeshua (Jesus), God was through with the Jewish people. Therefore, there are no unfulfilled prophecies for the Jewish people and there is no future final restoration. When Israel rejected the Messiah, all of God’s covenantal promises were transferred to the Church; hence it is a theology of transference. Or, put differently, when Israel rejected the Messiah, the Church replaced Israel in God’s standing; hence a theology of replacement. So, the Church is fulfilling Israel’s promises. 

When asked about all those prophecies that speak of a worldwide regathering of the Jewish people, their answer is that these are not to be interpreted literally, but allegorically of the elect being brought into the Church until the Church is complete. Jews could be saved today, but they simply would be amalgamated into the larger Church; God has no future restoration for Israel as an ethnic people. And so nothing happening with Israel today is in any way related to prophecy. There is no future prophecy for Israel either, and so again the modern Jewish State is nothing but an accident of history.

There is nothing further from the truth as the present Jewish State is very much a part of, and relevant to Bible prophecy.

Excerpt from MBS 189 The Modern State of Israel in Bible Prophecy by Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum 

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