Genesis 2:18 describes the situation, circumstance, and need for the creation of the woman. And Jehovah God said, It is not good that the man should be alone. This is the only thing that is not good, in contrast with everything else that was declared to be good (chapter 1, vv 4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25). Now God finally says there is something here that is not good. And so man without a woman is incomplete, and this is not good.
As long as man exists without a woman there is a sense of incompleteness, just as the sea without the fish, the air without the bird, and land without animals is incomplete. The Hebrew term good describes that which is “appropriate” or that which is “fitting” within the purpose of God. To rectify the problem, God said: I will make him a help meet for him. This expresses Adam’s need. The Hebrew word is eizer, which means “a helper.” In the Hebrew, this is not a demeaning term, because God Himself is referred to by the same term (Exod. 18:4; Deut. 33:7, 26, 29; I Sam. 7:12; Ps. 20:2, 33:20, 46:1, 70:5, 115:9, 115:10, 115:11, 124:8, 146:5). The verse goes on to say: meet for him. Three English words comprise one Hebrew word: kenegdo. It is a word that is found only here and in 2:20 and nowhere else in the Hebrew Bible.
Literally, it means “a helper as in front of him,” and so emphasizes that which is conspicuous, that which is in full view, in front of. He is going to create a helper who is in full view of him; something he can fully see. Putting the two words eizer and kenegdo together gives the basic range of meanings of “a helper like him,” “a helper fitted to him,” “a helper worthy of him,” “a helper corresponding to him,” “a helper ascending to his opposite,” or “a helper to his counterpart.”
She is one who can perfectly complete him because without her he is incomplete. She is one who provides what is lacking in man. She is one who can do what man alone cannot do. So man was created in such a way that he needs the help of a partner, but it has to be a female partner. She corresponds physically, socially, and spiritually.
(Based on Dr Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, “Ariel’s Bible Commentary: The Book of Genesis,” San Antonio, TX, Ariel Ministries, 2011; pp. 67-69;