Meaning of Bible Passages

What is the correct reading of Joshua 21:43?

Q: The literal reading of Joshua 21:43, where “the Lord gave to Israel all the land He swore to give to their fathers” (ESV), seems to imply that the land...

What is the correct reading of Joshua 21:43?

Q: The literal reading of Joshua 21:43, where “the Lord gave to Israel all the land He swore to give to their fathers” (ESV), seems to imply that the land...

What are the ABCs of Doctrines in the Book of H...

The Doctrine of First Principles—Hebrews 6:1–3 Earlier, the writer said that the immature believer is one who has to be re-taught the ABCs of doctrine, and here, we see the...

What are the ABCs of Doctrines in the Book of H...

The Doctrine of First Principles—Hebrews 6:1–3 Earlier, the writer said that the immature believer is one who has to be re-taught the ABCs of doctrine, and here, we see the...

What does "Binding" and "Loosing" mean?

Binding and Loosing The fifth and final statement of Yeshua is made to Peter in Matthew 16:19b: … and whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and...

What does "Binding" and "Loosing" mean?

Binding and Loosing The fifth and final statement of Yeshua is made to Peter in Matthew 16:19b: … and whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and...

Can you explain Genesis 3:16: your desire shall...

Genesis 3:16 states: Your desire shall be to your husband. The word desire is 'teshukah', a word found only twice elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible. Genesis 4:7 references a desire...

Can you explain Genesis 3:16: your desire shall...

Genesis 3:16 states: Your desire shall be to your husband. The word desire is 'teshukah', a word found only twice elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible. Genesis 4:7 references a desire...

Are we “little gods” because we are the childre...

[Here is the full text of the QUESTION from the reader:] Does Psalm 82 verses 1 and 6 teach (as some claim) that because we are the children of God,...

Are we “little gods” because we are the childre...

[Here is the full text of the QUESTION from the reader:] Does Psalm 82 verses 1 and 6 teach (as some claim) that because we are the children of God,...

Is Psalm 126:2-3 actually speaking of Israel’s ...

[Here is the full text of the QUESTIONfrom the reader:]I am struggling with the correct interpretation of Psalm 126. Almost all English translations show verses 2-3 as past tense and many...

Is Psalm 126:2-3 actually speaking of Israel’s ...

[Here is the full text of the QUESTIONfrom the reader:]I am struggling with the correct interpretation of Psalm 126. Almost all English translations show verses 2-3 as past tense and many...

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